Holy shit

Pro-Life Lawmaker Has No Idea How Abortion Works
"Any time you start cutting open people's bodies you need to have it in a procedure where it can be healthy."
"Of course. You don't cut a woman in an abortion, though."
Skip straight to the video for similar nuggets and some incredible facial expressions from Samantha Bee.
Good writing

Everything bad in the world can be traced to crap Wi-Fi
'Instead, I see someone whose tablet has automatically switched data from its own five-star, rock-solid 4G connection to a distant single-bar hotspot called ’HipsterWankCafe_FREE’, leaving his apps in turmoil in their attempt to send a constant stream of analytics back to the Illuminati.'

Chris Christie’s wordless screaming
This has already been shared probably more times than the whole of the rest of the internet put together, but that doesn't mean the sharing should stop there.

Table Talk: AA Gill reviews a refugee camp cafe in Calais’s The Jungle
Good idea, brilliantly executed.