Good thinking

Girlfriend pranks Turkish fan by using invisible TV remote at every moment of importance...
I couldn't care less if this turns out to be fake. The Macbook can't have been expecting that.
Holy shit

Salary Graph - UK Salary Comparison Calculator
See how much a house would cost Mark Zuckerberg as a proportion of his income relative to yours.
Good writing

WTF are techies saying? A linguistic guide for the aspiring tech hustler
"Layoff" is old-fashioned. Why not call it a "freedom cull"? Or a "quarter quell"? Perhaps even a "staff detox"?
Or, in the real life case of HubSpot, "graduation".
Mmm Technology

Facebook Live Map
Hover over the dots to dip in and out of Facebook Live streams. For some added frisson, why not zoom in on a war zone? Go carefully though.