Good thinking

The New Yorker's Year in Culture
'Our staff critics pick the movies, books, music, art, television, and cultural moments that defined 2017.'
Image: New Yorker

One Dad's Complete and Utter Scrabble Dominance Becomes a Holiday Tradition
For Scrabble players and anyone who's ever tried this hard to beat their dad at something.
Image: Twitter / Owen Ellickson
Holy shit

'Unclear, unfunny, delete': Editor's Notes on Milo Yiannopoulos Book Revealed
If you want to skirt the article and skip straight to the comments themselves (without having to read the manuscript), the original tweet is here.
Either way, this is the most enjoyable round of feedback in the world, for all time, I love it, you will also love it, the end.
Image: Lucas Jackson/Reuters
Good writing

The Best of the Long Read in 2017
Cheating a bit here I know - curating the already-curated isn't very curatorial - but let's be honest, the reason none of us read enough of these is the same reason they're so good - they're very long.
The time to put that right is now - the holidays - when you can dive in headfirst and stay there for as long as it takes. It's always worth it.
Image: The Guardian