Good thinking

Can Magic Mushrooms Cure Depression?
'In 2012 a team of medical researchers asked themselves, "what would happen if we gave psilocybin (the hallucinogenic component of magic mushrooms) to people suffering from severe depression"?'
It took them three years to get the necessary permissions to find out.'
Radiooooo: Discover the Musical Time Machine That Lets You Hear What Played on the Radio in Different Times & Places
The Thing I Love Most About Uber
This isn't a justification for some of Uber's awful practices, but it is a fascinating argument in favour of the much maligned gig economy.
'the most elegant feature of this now ubiquitous, high growth global service — no driver-partner is ever told where or when to work. This is quite remarkable — an entire global network miraculously “level loads” on its own.'
'There is another incredible driver-partner benefit of the Uber system that is radically different from traditional work types. Uber pays the driver their money immediately when earned [...] up to 5 times a day.'
'47 percent of Americans “can’t pay for an unexpected $400 expense through savings or credit cards, without selling something or borrowing money.”'
Mmm Technology

Watch These Dancers Find Spontaneity in the Circle
'Imagine an improv comedy show where dancing, not laughs, is the currency. Then imagine a musicians’ jam session where the band is compelled to keep the dancers’ pace instead of the other way around.'
Image: Sasha Arutyunova for the New York Times