Good writing
Just How Much Do You Love The Simpsons?
Mo, your Friday is over. And you have Ms Blandford to thank for this link.

In India, a Small Band of Women Risk It All for a Chance to Work
I can see from my email stats that you people have the collective attention span of a toddler full of nitrous oxide and I'm running out of ways to persuade you to read things longer than 20 words. But this is a gripping story whose subject matter teeters so precariously between the real world and the past that it reads more like a parable or an old Disney script than 21st Century journalism. But that's what it is.
Good music

The story of Whitney Houston's epic national anthem performance at 1991 Super Bowl
Never mind the high note, it's all about the flat 6/flat 7 cadence at 3m02s. Also this is the best national anthem, whether it's in 3/4 or 4/4.
Bernard Purdie & Cory Henry
See how long it takes you to realise that these two performances did not take place at the same time.
Mmm Technology

Here Comes 4-D Printing, And It's Pretty Mind-Blowing
"The added dimension of time means, in theory, that printed objects could adapt and alter their shape as a human body changes."