Holy shit

Glittering Blue
This is one day’s observations from Himawari-8, a Japanese weather satellite, animated in a loop. It shows the western Pacific, Australia, and parts of Asia, Antarctica, and Alaska as they looked on one day in mid-2015. It covers 24 hours in 12 seconds – a time lapse factor of 7,200×.
Also worth noting that if your computer's a bit shit this will kill it.
Good writing
Good music
The Michael Jackson Video Game Conspiracy
First Making A Murderer and now this. Aren't there any conspiracy theories left for us to not believe in?
Mmm Technology

There’s now a drone racing league that feels like pod racing from Star Wars
Wait, Matt Bellamy? Really?
Creatures doing stuff
A True Genius Turned On A Washing Machine With A Brick Inside It While It Was On A Trampoline
If this doesn't make your heart explode with happiness than you are a broken person and I cannot help you.