Good thinking
Good writing

Swedish TV Accidentally Runs Kids’ Show Subtitles On A Political Debate
"Ignore norms, all dinosaurs have different shapes."

Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers
Never mind all this highbrow shit - Sophie tells me that if you head down to Waterstone's on Tottenham Court Road and buy a copy of A Moveable Feast you can head downstairs to the bar (yeah, there's a bar) for either a cup of coffee or a daiquiri. As if that's an equal choice.
Mmm Technology

Tech Tats: Meet the new biowearables
I thought 3D printing was exciting until I saw this. But like 3D printing this is one of those inventions where the ratio of potential applications vs those your brain can think of is about 100:1
I can't think much beyond my first thought, which was that if everybody who thought they might be ill stuck one of these on their arm instead of turning up at a doctor's surgery or phoning NHS direct, I think we might be able to save a few quid and in the process, make the provision of healthcare infinitely more precise and cost-effective.