Holy shit

Here’s What Push Notifications Look Like When You Have 8M Followers On Instagram
I would just throw it out of the window.

Interview: Stolen, the problematic app that lets you buy and sell people on Twitter
This interview gave me chest pains and I had to give up. It's worse than when the CEO of Tinder confused 'sapiosexual' with 'sodomy'.
How is it possible to be smart enough to design an app and yet be this thick? Are apps that easy to design? Can we make it harder?
Good writing

The Digital Materiality of GIFs
I didn't really feel like I was reading this so much as... eating it?

A-Z of Unusual Words
Quockerwodger: A rare nineteenth-century word for a wooden toy which briefly became a political insult.

Thomas Jones reviews ‘Starman’ by Paul Trynka and ‘The Man Who Sold the World’ by Peter Doggett
Written in 2012 ostensibly as a review of two books, this article traces with some authority Bowie's artistic evolution between 1962 and 2003. It also weighs in heavily on the details of band members, attitudes, muses, influences and mistakes. Such was the man's life that an honest account of his antics and creations (especially one written before his death) leaves you far more prone to worship than any of the gushing, mawkish, "I've got nothing to say so I'm going to write 2,000 words about it" articles that we're inundated with now every time somebody dies.
It's long but worth it. A perfect reminder of why we all felt it a bit more than we thought we would.