Holy shit

This Is Why You're Starting To Hate The Internet
It goes like this:
- Shit, I'm suddenly responsible for writing headlines to generate clicks
- I've no idea how to do that
- I'll Google it
- Oh here's a useful article which was itself probably written solely to generate clicks but still, I'll copy everything it says
= internet.
It has to stop. Still not sure? Consider that this sentence was written to be taken seriously:
"...some of the most successful posts used words like 'kill,' 'fear,' 'dark,' 'bleeding,' and 'war.' It looks like violent language gets attention, even when the subject isn’t about violence at all."
Good writing

Makers Of Cards Against Humanity Run Reddit AMA, Ask For Ideas For New 'World Wide Web' Pack
Wait till the PR girl from Pornhub turns up and starts throwing shade. It's great.

A Darkly Delightful 1905 Poem Celebrating Punctuation
The semicolons’ mournful racket
is drowned out by surrounding brackets
And then the captured creature freezes
Imprisoned by parentheses
Good music

Aretha Franklin Honours Carole King, Upsets Obama
There's always a worry - often founded - that when the old guard are wheeled out they're going to embarrass themselves by shrieking and wailing their way through a hit they could once nail in their sleep (Chaka Khan I'm looking at you). But, no such problems here.