Holy shit
Working vocal cords grown from human cells
It did involve taking bits out of human cadavers and dead dogs, but progress is progress. (No image because the folds make me feel sick.)
Good writing
This British man uses flow charts and emoji to make awesome poems
Absolutely brilliant. Follow him. Happy Friday.
Mmm Technology
Thanks to Google, you can now take a tour through the British Museum online - Interesting Engineering
For students of archaeology and other subjects that the museum might help with but that I can't think of right now, this must be nearly as great as that time I tweeted Alastair Campbell my essay question (some rubbish about the point of New Labour) and he answered it for me.
Creatures doing stuff
Adorable spider monkey gives human a nice, long cuddle
While the only thing the rest of us have to look forward to is maybe one day getting the lift all to ourselves AND YOU PEOPLE TALK OF JUSTICE.
Grown-up news

Did the media ignore the Beirut bombings? Or did readers?
This Google Trends spike in news headlines containing the word 'Beirut' also suggests that arguments about the mainstream media ignoring these events is bogus.