Good thinking

'Secret Hitler' game turns your friends into Liberals and Fascists
From the guy who made Cards Against Humanity (which I still haven't played).

Terry Gilliam on the Difference Between Kubrick & Spielberg: Kubrick Makes You Think, Spielberg Wraps Everything Up with Neat Little Bows
I think this is the same reason I hate Richard Curtis films. Also Terry Gilliam is the greatest.
Holy shit

Chris Forsberg drifts 1000HP Nissan 370 through the abandoned Hawthorne Mall
If you're not bothered about cars then I wouldn't blame you for skipping over this one. But if you like watching people do impossibly impressive things, you'll enjoy it.
Good music

The Inside Story of David Bowie's Stunning New Album, 'Blackstar'
I put this at the end so you can go and listen to the single immediately.