Holy shit

This Blind Woman Had 10 Personalities, and Some of Them Could See
Would be pretty annoying if you switched from the sighted personality to a blind one in the middle of a film. Or a long drive.
Good writing

The 16 best ways to sabotage your organization's productivity, from a CIA manual published in 1944
'To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions.'

Yahoo Accidentally Leaks Embarrassing Fill-in-the-Blanks Rihanna Review
DELETE ONE OF THE ENDINGS TO THIS SENTENCE AND KEEP THE OTHER ONE BASED ON FACTS. Brilliant. Given the nature of the music, you could argue that releasing review templates before the album has even come out - rather than waiting and actually listening to it - is entirely appropriate. If this is post-modern non-journalism then she is post-modern non-music.
Seasonal things

Watch Björk, Age 11, Read a Christmas Nativity Story on a 1976 Icelandic TV Special | Open Culture
"…nature is my religion, in a way… I think everybody has their own private religion. I guess what bothers me is when millions have the same one. It just can’t be true. It’s just…what?"
Creatures doing stuff

Man Spends Six Years, Takes 720,000 Photos Trying To Capture This Shot Of A Diving Bird
Probably not worth it tbh.