Crap thinking

Facebook’s editorial purge has completely backfired
It's strange that there's no mention here of our individual responsibility to assess the veracity of anything we read. If one of Facebook's trending stories is completely false and everyone who reads it is aware, does it matter that it was there in the first place? They definitely have a responsibility here but it can't lie solely with them.
Image: Jim Lo Scalzo | EPA

Facebook recommended that this psychiatrist’s patients friend each other
Double Facebook I know, but how did they not think of this? Even if they forgot about mental health practitioners surely teachers and pupils is the obvious one? What about jurors and the accused?
Image: Elena Scotti/FUSION
Holy shit

How to Talk to a Woman Who is Wearing Headphones
This apparently serious article nearly caused the internet to collapse in on itself earlier this week. And then this happened.
Image: Probably made by a woman wearing headphones

I Got Scammed By A Silicon Valley Startup
What you are seeing is a Photoshopped Google search image that was posed as a real Wells Fargo wire transfer sent to 17 employees via email by the CEO.
And then this happened, and eventually this.
Image: Penny Kim
Good writing

Either socialism dies, or Labour does
I know this sounds like a festival of yawning but I promise you that it is not. There. How's that for curation?
Image: Some brave comrade up a lamppost.