Good thinking

List of U.S. presidential campaign slogans
Includes some unforgettable one-liners, such as "Don't change horses in midstream", "Vote as You Shot" and "Grandfather's hat fits Ben!"
Image: Glenn Magus Harvey, Photobucket
Holy shit

"We did not get into this business to kill people. And this is only getting worse."
Well this is a lot to think about.
Image: Slideshare/Lemi Orhan Ergin

Mariah Carey's Vocal Range Is Absolutely Bonkers
Five octaves, one minute (although I'm not sure about some of the initial notes but who cares).
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Good writing

London Rental Opportunity of the Week: A Fucking Shed in Cheam! CHEAM!
Never mind our time on earth being limited - what about our time in London? Although sure, Cheam does not count.
Grown-up news

Italy referendum explained: What is it about and what would a No vote mean for the UK?
It could go: 'No' vote on Sunday > Five Star win an early 2017 election > and call and win a referendum on leaving the Eurozone > end of Eurozone.
More likely it will be 'Yes' vote on Sunday > markets calm down, 'normality' resumes. But these days, who knows?
And as the article says, while a 'No' vote may not trigger all those other events, markets will react as though they will.
Image: EPA