Good thinking
Holy shit

When Astronomers Chased a Total Eclipse in a Concorde
The plan seemed deceptively simple. Closing in at maximum velocity, Concorde would swoop down from the north and intercept the shadow of the moon over northwest Africa. Traveling together at almost the same speed, Concorde would essentially race the solar eclipse across the surface of the planet.
Image: Arthur Gibson, probably.
Good writing

Delighted Health Insurance Executives Gather In Outdoor Coliseum To Watch Patient Battle Cancer
Image: The Onion

On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right
“Sexism I don’t have the energy to wrestle with you over,” says Yiannopoulos, who, I can personally confirm, is the maple-cured bacon of misogynist piggery — oily and sweet and crass and, on a gut level, dreadful for your health.
Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images