Holy shit

NASA's 3D-Printed Rocket Engine Roars Into Action
Blah blah progress technology whatever, just watch the video.
Good writing
The internet isn’t making us stupid. It’s making us humble.
"When a friend asks if you know the capital of Canada, you'd feel more responsible for the accuracy of the information if you had a smartphone in your hands. It ups the costs of being wrong. So it's better not to answer."
Good music

Close To You - Jacob Collier
I've never seen or heard anything like it. It's so much more than just (just!) multi-instrumentalism. Plus this cover sounds quite seasonal to me so, in it goes. (All this said I find him quite weird to watch. If you feel the same, this tune is also on Spotify. Or you can just turn your head left, right, up or down. Or close your eyes, although someone might jump you. The point is there are several alternatives.)