Good thinking

“Neo-Dadaism”: Absurdist Humor and the Millennial Generation
Most attempts to define contemporary culture rely too much on pure deduction - I see this happening therefore this is what's happening and now watch me label it - but this one feels like it'll be on the 2040 'Millennial Culture and the Early Days of the Internet' syllabus.
Image: Bill Wurtz
Good writing

George Saunders: What Writers Really Do When They Write
This guy just won the Man Booker Prize with his first full-length novel, Lincoln in the Bardo. But he wrote this back in March this year when the book was published. It's a wonderfully honest account of his - and no doubt other's - creative process and, probably as a direct result, is a reassuring and rewarding read.
Illustration: Yann Kebbi for Review.
Mmm Technology
Creatures doing stuff

Pet Dogs Communicate With Specific Facial Expressions, Says Science
'As for dogs, studies have inched toward the conclusion that dogs are smiling at us.'
Image: Fatherly
Grown-up news

The Return of Camila Batmanghelidjh?
Chris Cook has done a forensic job of tracking Batmanghelidjh's various lies and untruths, which have done more than merely financial damage. And yet she's back, this time with a book. Why won't this awful woman just go away? Anyway, over to the same journalist for a review...
Image: BBC News