Good thinking

"...we pointed out a receipt with his credit-card number, a summary of his wife's investments, an email prepping the mayor about his job application to be police chief of Los Angeles, a well-chewed cigar stub, and a handwritten note scribbled in pencil on a napkin, so personal it made us cringe."
Image: Willamette Week
Crap thinking

The Slippery Slope of Censorship: HuffPost Pulls Story Critical of Spotify Ahead of IPO
The story's original title was, Spotify’s Fatal Flaw Exposed: How My Closed-Door Meeting with Execs Ended in a Shouting Match, and it's republished here.
Image: Zuma Press
Mmm Technology

This Wall of Lava Lamps Helps Encrypt up to 10 Percent of the Internet
'As the lava lamps bubble and swirl, a video camera on the ceiling monitors their unpredictable changes and connects the footage to a computer, which converts the randomness into a virtually unhackable code.'
Image: Tom Scott
Good photography
Good drawing

Historical Generals Pointing Out the Toilets: a Short Thread
Image: Twitter / SocialHistoryOx / Jacob van Schuppen