Good thinking

Boardrooms I Have Seen (a Thread)
'I've been in the odd boardroom in my time and I think you can tell something about a company from where its leaders meet.'
Image: OldmanOfTheWeb
Crap thinking

Cathy Newman’s Catastrophic Interview With Jordan Peterson
This is indescribably, unwatchably bad. And yet I have watched it and now I will sort of describe it.
I think Cathy Newman's misguided attempt to, I guess, outsmart Jordan Peterson is resonating widely because her behaviour encapsulates so much of what's wrong with a) "progressive" debate and b) broadcast journalism that wants/thinks it needs to go viral.
The square-peg-round-hole imposition of Crayola-chewingly simple and rigidly binary "thinking" onto a nuanced, complex, but carefully crafted argument; the Stalinstic rewriting of what someone has just said in a brazen attempt to make a pre-set agenda relevant when it is anything but; the self-awarded, inviolable right to the moral highground; and the desperate playing to the gallery in the hope of retweets, viral explosions and, presumably, a place in the SJW Hall of Fame.
Please god let this be a turning point.
Image: Channel 4

Password for Hawaii Emergency Agency Written on a Post-it Note in Back of Online Photo
Not content with having a user interface so appalling it explains and excuses one of the worst miss-clicks of all time, Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency also revealed this week that they take a similarly precise approach to security.
I preferred it when we only had North Korea to laugh at.
Image: AP/Composite/Rob Price
Good writing

Brian Bilston on Hoping to See the Bayeaux Tapestry
Plus this bonus Bayeaux Tapestry tweet because I can't decide which I love more.
Image: Oliver Betts / Twitter