Good thinking

Jonny Sun, King of Twitter, and the saddest meme of all time
It's happy in the end though.
Image: Jonny Sun
Crap thinking

The bank lent me $2m so I spent it on strippers and cars
Bit of a toss-up as to which category this went in.
Image: Luke Brett Moore
Good writing

How to Be a Ladyperson at the Holidays: 10 Important Tips
When planning outfits for your holiday soirées, think: “I’m an heiress and an Italian professor at this upscale tropical funeral.”
Image: Dolce & Gabbana. The twats.
Good music

Frank Zappa Gets Surprised & Serenaded by the U.S. Navy Band at the San Francisco Airport, 1980
The footage comes from April, 1980, when Zappa was greeted at the San Francisco airport by the Navy Band playing his song “Joe’s Garage.” Winter enthuses about Zappa’s response to the surprise. The composer and guitarist, he says, “was so rarely himself in public… In this clip, Frank is genuinely and profoundly moved by the band’s performance of his music, and so we get to see him unprepared and just being himself.”
"'Conducting' is when you draw 'designs' in the nowhere - with a stick, or with your hands - which are interpreted as 'instructional messages' by guys wearing bow ties who wish they were fishing." - FZ.