Good thinking

Figgy, Gethsemane, Quail and Ra: Tatler names its top posh baby names for 2017
Just imagine the sorts of allergies they're going to have to invent to accompany their stupid names.
Image: Wikiart/Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, Paolo Veronese
Crap thinking

BMW found six months after driver lost it in parking garage
Obviously this concerns a Scottish [drugs] person who parked it in Manchester [drugs] after driving to a Stone Roses [drugs] concert. I'm not surprised they spent five days searching for it.
Some good tweets from Greater Manchester Police too.

Trivial Pursuit may have gone a bit too hard on the 'find and replace' function
You can't beat a good find-and-replace mislamicstateinsyriatake.
Image: JohnELewis
Good writing

Why America's Restaurant Industry Is in a Bubble About to Burst
'If you have 10 hourly employees working eight-hour shifts, five days a week and you raise the wages a dollar an hour, that comes out to a nearly $20K increase on the year. In AQ's best year -- a phenomenal year by restaurant standards -- that would have been nearly 10% of profits.'
Image: Jason Hoffman/Thrillist